Updated(ing) the blog to reflect the dual path we are on. We got our home study updated over the weekend. SOOO thankful to our social worker, who has gone out of her way to push things ahead quickly as possible!
So once the editors give it a nod, it if off to the AB gov't for their nod, then we are in the race "officially"!
It is a crazy feeling. Our hearts have been full focus on Julia, while knowing we would look at a second adoption, and it is a crazy shift to think that it is possible that we
may end up with a little brother or sister for Julia before we get her. They could end up being around the same age... too much to wrap the brain around, but our hearts are having no trouble being ready to welcome ANY child God chooses to bring into our home.
We have had to adjust our brains though. When you have been on a one way path and suddenly there is an unexpected turn in the road, it is a great twist, but opens up all sorts of fun conversations and things to think through...such as... does the room work for 2 cribs(then the thoughts of what colors would work...what if we have a boy from SC and then Julia...my suggestion of painting the room white didn't fly with my creative wife ;) ).
Because we have said we are open to either gender from SC we have no idea what gift we will get. We have done up name lists for both genders, but obviously don't know at this point what name to put to this "face" of a child who is birthed in our heart at this time.
It is fun looking at the emotions and thoughts you have during these adventures.
For China, Cara and I were totally on board for wanting a girl, considering the circumstances they are in. For SC, it is a totally different thing. Obviously we will take in and love equally whatever gender of child we get, and in whatever order we get them, but as you speculate and talk through stuff at present Cara is more inclined towards a little black girl. I am thinking it will be a boy.
Then the male logic side of me goes,"A girl would be easier, don't have to worry as soon about them sharing a room, they could share clothes, less duplication of things..." Then in the next thought, "YES! Think of the toys I can buy for my son, even though they may be more for Dad..SWEET DEAL! A boy would balance out the genders in the home, that is a good thing..."
Heh, who knows, it will be an interesting adventure. Some of the differences between the adoptions is that for SC we sent a profile of who we are and our Lawyer/Agency down there shows that to birth moms they have contact with and that mom picks us. With China the match is done by the "agency" (CCAA) in China. SC, when the match happens, will be a quick notification and turn around. For China we will know when the match is coming and then have 6-8 weeks to plan for the travel.
Well, there are some random thoughts as we continue on this journey!