Monday, October 27, 2008

Random musings

The picture is a pic of the matching room at the CCAA. Our dossier is in there somewhere!

Been silent as there hasn't been anything to report on either adoption front.

Winter is a couple days away from the feels of it outside.

Cara and I have decided to stay home this Christmas, rather than travel. Take some time to slow things down and get refreshed. We had an awesome late thanksgiving with the inlaws and outlaws last week.

I am STILL not done Brisingr, nor had time to play further on Batman Lego.

I have cooked up some cool magic routines to work on, and once we get baby, then I can start booking shows. It is frustrating turning down shows because I can't promise I will be here. :(

Buckwheat , my goldfish, is growing bigger.

I am prepared to be stiff tomorrow as I have been away from Kungfu club for nearly 2 weeks, and will enter into that again tonite!

And that is some random ramblings!


Middle-Aged Moi said...

I think you should post a magic show on your blog.....c'mon! We all need to be entertained a little bit.....:-)

Anonymous said...

I personally think you should use your magic to move that yellow file up to the top of the pile...guess who?