Friday, December 14, 2007

down to 4

So survivor China is down to 4, and PEE GEE is gone. She was a scrapper, that is for sure. Right now I am hoping Denise pulls an upset, she has tried to stay on track with her alliances but we will see. This Sunday, the results :)

I was also delighted last night to see a new Office episode, as well as a new Smallville. Did the writers strike finish and I missed the news???

I haven't gotten around to making that trick yet, but thought I would post a picture of it from the manuscript I bought.

Not much else to report, I don't have reptile wars and salamander attacks, or interesting stuff like that happening in my world, but Tuininga Treasures blog(link on the side), is my favorite blog read these days, so thanks Janet for bringing a smile to my face as I read about your daily adventures :)

Anyone got a bunch of umbrellas to donate to me, heh :)


Middle-Aged Moi said...

Wait to you see what I have in store for you in the next couple of days!!!!

I'm also pulling for Denise! She's my favourite- quiet, down to earth, and just....nice. But smart too. My main hope is that one the finale show someone will take some scissors to that thing she has on her head....LOL!

Carol said...

I wanted Pee Gee to get it!!