Saturday, December 04, 2010

13-20 in nanchang, 3 in Beijing,-9 in GP, Monday is photocopy day...and yes I need more sleep LOL

Still warm in Nanchang, getting colder in Beijing, above average in GP weather wise and our passports and TA should arrive by Monday, so then make the required photocopies final packing of stuff then relax(yeah right).

Insane weekend this weekend. I have 2 birthday magic shows today followed by a church Christmas party to attend tonite. Church tomorrow another party then a meeting in the evening. Tuesday and Wednesday night have meetings(doing some magic on the Wednesday also, which will be fun for my grade 5-6 groups Christmas party.)

Although tight time wise it is all good stuff that I am thankful for.

Caught Katie hugging the fridge yesterday only to discover she was hugging the picture of Julia, giving it kisses, trying to give it her sippy cup to drink. She was accurately kissing the lips on the picture and positioning the sippy cup at the mouth. SOOOOOO cute.

Last minute purchase of a better snugglie, the one we had wasn't great for front holding, it was better at the side, and even then would cut into the neck muscles a bit, which is no fun.

Probably pick up some other dry food ideas like oatmeal etc for the food stash, then it will be the dreaded weigh in to insure we meet airlines luggage weight restrictions.

Well off to pack up the magic show are get ready for the day before the girls wake up.


China Dreams said...

Busy, busy, busy, right?

J Brant said...

I love the weather updates!!!